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Joining an event?

1. Log in to

Simply scan your event QR code or type on any browser. Enter the event passcode provided by the organiser and you will be brought to the Audience Web App.

2. Participate in sessions

You will see the agenda for your event on the Audience Web App. Just tap on a session and start participating by asking questions, voting on polls, and competing in quizzes!

3. Try it out!

See the Audience Web App in action. Scroll through this sample event to explore different sessions, submit responses, vote in a poll, and take a survey.

1. Set up a Pigeonhole

Log into your Pigeonhole Live account and create your first Pigeonhole. Key in your event details and simply add sessions like Q&A, polls, quizzes, or surveys. Fill in the details and save.

2. Test it out

Turn on Test Mode to try your event out before it goes live. Submit questions, fill in surveys, try out quizzes, and much more. Don't worry, any data collected will be reset when the event goes live!

Panels to test run

  • This is where your audience sends in their responses, questions, and votes.
  • This is where you run your sessions, manage responses, and reach moderators.
  • This is where responses and results are projected live.

3. It's Live!

Your event Pigeonhole goes live on your pre-set event start date. Run sessions and filter questions in the Admin Panel, and track audience participation from the Online Participants Chart.

4. After the event

Get the lowdown on your audience's engagement in our Insights section. Download detailed reports as a spreadsheet or a shareable PDF to share with your team.